Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts

The Brussels sprout is one of the cruciferous vegetables, which are known for their powerful cancer-fighting properties. Kale, broccoli, and cauliflower are also in this family.

Choose firm, compact, and vibrant green Brussels sprouts. Avoid wilted, yellowing leaves or leaves with perforations which can indicate an aphid infestation. Brussels sprouts are most commonly eaten boiled, but they retain most of their nutritional qualities when eaten raw or lightly steamed.

Individuals suffering from thyroid problems may want to avoid Brussels sprouts because they contain goitrogens, which can interfere with the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Serving size: 1 cup
Region: Europe, California

Health Benefits

Colon Reduce the risk of colon cancer. The fiber helps elimination and prevents diverticulosis.
Liver Support the liver's detoxification role. Reduce the development of pre-cancerous cells in the liver.
Lungs Reduce the risk of lung cancer.
Pancreas Provide alkalizing elements that specifically benefit the pancreas.


Calcium 37 mg 3%
Chlorophyll N/A N/A Make sure to eat raw or very lightly steamed.
Fiber 3.3 g 13%
Iron 1.2 mg 8%
Manganese 0.3 mg 10%
Potassium 342 mg 10%
Sulfur N/A N/A
Vitamin B6 0.2 mg 11%
Vitamin B9/Folate 53.7 mcg 27%
Vitamin C 74.8 mg 125%
Vitamin K 156 mcg 195%
Zinc 0.4 mg 3%