
The liver is a large organ above the stomach that plays an important role in many bodily functions including metabolism, detoxification, and the production of bile for digestion. When the liver can no longer metabolize fats, produce adequate bile, or eliminate toxins, the whole body suffers.

It is well known that years of excessive alcohol abuse can damage the liver, but abuse of other toxic substances, including processed and refined foods, cooked fats, and chemical additives, can also cause damage if the liver becomes overwhelmed trying to process them.

Beneficial Foods

Brussels Sprouts Support the liver's detoxification role. Reduce the development of pre-cancerous cells in the liver.
Cauliflower Supports the liver's detoxification role.
Coconut Oil Less burden on the liver than other oils.
Dandelion Greens The roots promote liver detoxification.
Grapefruit Increases the liver's ability to clean out toxins and carcinogens.
Papaya Repairs hardened or damaged livers.
Radishes Stimulate liver function.
Strawberries Used in traditional medicine as a liver tonic, especially during recovery from hepatitis.
Tomatoes Reduce risk of liver cancer when eaten raw. Reduce inflammation due to hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Beneficial Nutrients

Vitamin C May reduce liver inflammation, fibrosis, and other forms of nonalcoholic liver disease.
Vitamin E Reduces liver inflammation, fibrosis, and other forms of nonalcoholic liver disease.