Hormone Balance

Hormones are chemical messengers released by the endocrine system into the blood stream and delivered to specific cells to regulate their function. The secretion of hormones can be affected, positively or negatively, by mental state, light, temperature, other hormones, and nutrient levels in the bloodstream.

Hormones affect many different activities of the body, including metabolism, mood, cell growth, immune function, reaction to stimuli ("fight or flight"), sexual function, menstruation, reproduction, to name just a few. Hormone imbalance is most often associated with premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

Chemical additives in food can interrupt the way hormones work. Read the labels on processed foods and avoid ingredients that you don't understand. Non-organic meat and dairy products often contain chemicals, which remain in the body long-term, concentrated in the fat cells. Eating a balanced diet full of organic, fresh fruits and vegetables, is the best way to help keep hormone levels in balance.

Beneficial Foods

Hemp Helps maintain hormone balance.
Leafy Greens - General Provide a wide variety of nutrients necessary to maintain proper hormone balance.
Maca Balances the hypothalamus and other endocrine glands, balancing hormone levels for men and women. Relieves menopause symptoms.
Watercress Helps regain hormone balance.

Beneficial Nutrients

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Helps maintain hormone balance.
Vitamin B3/Niacin Helps to regulate hormone production.